Taiwan Salt Museum is located in Yancheng Village in Cigu; it is near the Cigu Salt Mountain, Cigu Lagoon, Binnan Wetland, and the habitat of the protected precious black-faced spoonbills. If you come to the Salt Museum, don’t forget to visit the nearby scenic points to immerse yourself in nature and culture. |
Protection Zone of Black-faced Spoonbills
Black-faced spoonbills breed in northeastern China and the Korean Peninsula. Every winter of the year they will fly south to Taiwan, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and other places for the warmer climate. The wetland at the estuary of Zengwun River provides a habitat full of bountiful supplies of foods like fishes, shellfishes, and algae, and attracts migrant birds to come for the winter. Cigu is now the largest habitat for black-faced spoonbills worldwide.
Bird Watching in a Salt Field
Due to the cessation of solar salt production, the salt flats are now semi-artificial wetland as well as a paradise for wild birds. Black-winged stilt, pied avocet, great egret, little egret, Kentish plover, little tern, green-winged teal, Eurasian wigeon, and moorhen can be seen here at the salt field wetland. |
Salt Mountain in Cigu
After giving up traditional solar salt production, Taiyen creates a unique landscape with its salt mountain. Cigu Salt Mountain looks like a mountain of snow, is as high as 10 meters and has become a famous tourism attraction now in Cigu area. It is the last base of Cigu’s salt industry.
Fan-shaped Salt Field
The fan-shaped salt field located at Kunshen Village (commonly known as Cingkunshen) in Jiangjyun Township is on the south side of Jiangjyun Fishing Port, north side of Cingkunshen, and fans out on the west side of South 25-1 Country Road. It is the most beautiful and unique salt field in Taiwan. |
Cigu Lagoon
It is located in Longshan Village in Cigu Township, on the west side of Siliao Village, south side of Cingkunshen of Jiangjyun Township, and the inland sea at the Cigu River estuary. The total area exceeds 1600 square meters. It is called “Neihaizih (or Lai Hai Yah)” by the local fishermen.